
  • Blind Spot Large Truck Accidents in Mableton, Georgia
    Blind Spot Large Truck Accidents in Mableton, Georgia
    The blind spot presents a risk to any driver, but especially to those of large trucks. Even though truck drivers are generally well-trained, just one oversight can cause a catastrophic accident. Truck drivers who are changing lanes, stopping, and turning should not forget to check their blind spots. When negligent drivers fail to do so and hurt others, we’re here...
  • Single Vehicle Accidents: Who’s at Fault?
    Single Vehicle Accidents: Who’s at Fault?
    Not all automobile accidents involve two or more vehicles. In many cases, only one vehicle is involved, injuring the driver and any passengers. Some single vehicle accidents are the fault of the driver. But in many of them, another driver who did not wreck will still be at fault. Whether you’re the driver or a passenger injured in a single...
  • Georgia ATV Accident Attorneys
    Georgia ATV Accident Attorneys
    All-terrain vehicles, or ATVs, are common throughout Georgia. Although ATVs may be used for recreational or work purposes, they come with heightened safety risks. Unsafe and improper use of ATVs can endanger operators, passengers, and others. On the other hand, product defects and other problems with the ATV can also lead to injuries. If you or a loved one were...
  • Liability in Atlanta Bad Weather Accidents
    Liability in Atlanta Bad Weather Accidents
    Everyone knows that inclement weather makes driving much less safe. However, far too many irresponsible drivers try to use the weather as an excuse to cover up their poor driving. Bad weather does not give a driver a free pass to be negligent. Quite the opposite: when conditions are poor, drivers need to be even more cautious. When they’re not,...
  • How Post-Accident Medical Decisions Can Destroy Your Case in Mableton, Georgia
    How Post-Accident Medical Decisions Can Destroy Your Case in Mableton, Georgia
    After an automobile accident, you have to take medical action – not just legal action – to get compensation. This is also essential to your health and to treating injuries that may be serious. However, there are many post-accident medical decisions you can make that can significantly jeopardize your ability to recover damages. If you’ve been injured in an accident,...
  • How Reckless Driving Impacts Your Automobile Accident Claim
    How Reckless Driving Impacts Your Automobile Accident Claim
    Atlanta, Georgia drivers often use the phrase “reckless driving” to describe bad drivers, but what does it really mean? And if reckless driving was responsible for your automobile accident, how does reckless driving impact your accident claim? Reckless driving is not just illegal and irresponsible, it puts the lives and safety of other drivers at serious risk. If you’ve been...
  • CJ’s Law Increases Penalties for Hit and Run Accidents in Atlanta, Georgia
    CJ’s Law Increases Penalties for Hit and Run Accidents in Atlanta, Georgia
    CJ’s Law, designed to increase criminal penalties for hit and run accidents in Georgia, goes into effect this month. Although the law strengthens criminal punishments for hit and runs, victims should also seek civil penalties against responsible drivers. That’s where having an experienced Atlanta, Georgia automobile accident attorney is essential. CJ’s Law is named for Charles E. Jones, 23, who was struck by...
  • What is a Soft Tissue Injury?
    What is a Soft Tissue Injury?
    A soft tissue injury can result from numerous types of accidents and physical trauma. Some injuries are relatively minor and will improve with time. Others are more severe, more painful, and may require more intense treatment. If you’ve suffered a soft tissue injury due to someone else’s negligence, you deserve compensation for your damages. The Mableton personal injury attorneys of Hammers Law...
  • What to Do if You’re Injured in a Georgia Traffic Roundabout Accident
    What to Do if You’re Injured in a Georgia Traffic Roundabout Accident
    Roundabouts have grown in popularity throughout the United States, and especially here in Georgia. They are generally considered to be safer than traditional intersections, although accidents can still occur. There are common sense rules for approaching these unique road features. However, it may not always be clear who is at fault in a traffic roundabout accident. If you’ve been injured...