Ethylene Oxide: What You Should Know

Recently, Andy Miller with Georgia Health News and Brenda Goodman with WebMD published an article discussing ethylene oxide (EtO) and its illegal release from certain chemical plants in the state. The two plants in question are the BD Bard plant located in Covington and the Sterigenics plant in Smyrna.

If you live in either of these communities (or have worked at one of the facilities) and have developed an illness such as cancer, you may be able to file a legal claim for compensation. 

Continue reading this blog post to learn more about ethylene oxide and how an experienced attorney can help you take legal action.

What Is Ethylene Oxide?

Ethylene oxide is a colorless gas commonly produced in chemical manufacturing facilities. It is most often used to create other types of chemicals that are then used to make various products, such as plastics, adhesives, and many more.

When EtO is utilized in these processes, some of it can be released into the air and water. However, ethylene oxide is generally not readily absorbed by soil or sediment – making exposure through water less likely.

Breathing air containing ethylene oxide is the predominant way people are exposed. People who work at chemical plants and other similar facilities that use EtO are at the highest risk, but people who live closeby to these places may also be exposed.

What Injuries Can Result From Ethylene Oxide Exposure?

EtO is a known carcinogen. While exposure is unlikely to present symptoms immediately, serious illnesses can result in the long term. These include:

  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
  • Myeloma
  • Lymphocytic leukemia
  • Breast cancer (in women)
  • And others

The likelihood of developing cancer after exposure to EtO depends on various factors. People who have worked their entire lives at facilities regularly producing/using the gas are at the highest risk (on average). However, as noted above, merely living close to a facility that lets ethylene oxide into the air can increase one’s risk of becoming ill. 

What Should I Do if I Was Exposed to Ethylene Oxide?

Contact our personal injury lawyers for a free consultation if you were exposed to ethylene oxide and have been harmed in any way. You may be entitled to compensation from the responsible chemical plant or other facility. 

We are experienced in handling these claims and are highly passionate about standing up for the rights of victims in our community. We’ll do everything in our power to hold the at-fault party accountable for their actions. Full economic and non-economic damages are available in these lawsuits, including for your medical bills, pain and suffering, and more.

Our attorneys also work on contingency, which means we only receive attorney’s fees if we successfully handle your claim. Call or contact us online today to get started.