
  • Bedsores: How a Nursing Home Neglect Attorney Can Help
    Bedsores: How a Nursing Home Neglect Attorney Can Help
    One of the most basic responsibilities of a nursing home is paying attention to patients. When patients are left constantly in one position, such as in bed or in a wheelchair, they can develop bedsores. These painful sores shouldn’t occur, but when they do, the patient and/or family may have cause to recover for neglect. Also known as pressure sores,...
  • Driving Safely in the Rain
    Driving Safely in the Rain
    2018 brought a significant amount of rain to Georgia, approximately 70 inches more than the state average. Rainy conditions increase the risk of automobile accidents, especially in urban and high traffic areas. Here are some safety tips for handling rain and the steps you should take if you’re involved in a crash. If you’re driving in the rain, you should...
  • New Airbag Lawsuits Follow Takata Injuries
    New Airbag Lawsuits Follow Takata Injuries
    Takata, a Japanese automobile parts manufacturer, faces ongoing class action lawsuits in the United States over defective airbags it sold. These lawsuits have also targeted numerous automakers whose vehicles came equipped with the airbags. And now, a new round of airbag injuries has focused blame on another parts manufacturer and other automobile brands. An article on reports that lawsuits...
  • Could Bias Against Motorcyclists Affect Your Accident Claim?
    Could Bias Against Motorcyclists Affect Your Accident Claim?
    Motorcyclists are some of the most vulnerable drivers on the road because of their exposure to injury. At the same time, however, juries and insurance companies often have a bias against motorcyclists. This makes it difficult to recover damages after an accident, adding another hurdle to your claim. Who your attorney is will make a big difference in how you...
  • Log Book Fraud and Truck Accidents
    Log Book Fraud and Truck Accidents
    Due to the sheer size of commercial trucks, truck accidents in Georgia tend to result in serious injuries. For that reason, and others, a different set of regulations apply to trucks and truck drivers. These regulations are put forth by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and apply to truckers and their employers. One such rule involves the use...
  • How a Personal Injury Could Affect Your Livelihood
    How a Personal Injury Could Affect Your Livelihood
    Whether you’ve been involved in an automobile accident or some other personal injury, you can expect medical bills. When most people think about the costs of an injury, they almost always consider the medical angle. It’s true that hospital bills, rehabilitation, follow-up treatments, prescription drugs, and more can be significant. But you can’t overlook how an injury could affect your...
  • Motorcyclists Are Especially Vulnerable to Negligent Drivers
    Motorcyclists Are Especially Vulnerable to Negligent Drivers
    Any motorist can be seriously injured by negligent drivers. Motorcyclists, however, are significantly more at risk. Despite public safety campaigns to encourage drivers to be more cautious, major accidents involving motorcycles are all too frequent. In 2016, over 5,000 motorcyclists died in accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). If you’re a motorcyclist who has been injured...
  • Georgia Nursing Home Sexual Abuse Attorney
    Georgia Nursing Home Sexual Abuse Attorney
    Nursing homes are trusted to protect and care for the elderly when they need it most. Tragically, they sometimes fail this duty and allow vulnerable patients to be victimized. One of the most egregious ways in which this happens is when a nursing home patient is sexually abused. Nursing homes have an obligation to keep their residents reasonably safe, so...
  • Georgia College Campus Accident Attorneys
    Georgia College Campus Accident Attorneys
    College students rightfully expect that their campuses will be safe places for them to learn, have fun, and grow. And colleges owe their students a secure environment in which they can do so. But when colleges are negligent and expose students to unreasonable dangers, someone can get hurt. In some of the worst cases, the injuries can be severe enough...
  • Recovering Damages for Injured Pedestrians
    Recovering Damages for Injured Pedestrians
    Automobile accidents don’t just involve drivers. Thousands of pedestrians are injured every year in Georgia by vehicles and bicyclists. Because they lack the protection of an automobile, their injuries can be significant, even fatal. Recovering damages requires serious and aggressive legal representation. If you or a loved one were injured as pedestrians, a local pedestrian accident attorney can help. Pedestrians walk to...