Causes of Paralysis in Smyrna

Experiencing a paralyzing injury can significantly impair your ability to care for yourself and your family. If you can show that someone else is to blame for your condition, Georgia law may provide you with a path to pursue a settlement. Money cannot undo the immense damage to your body, but it can help relieve some of the financial pressures of your situation.

The Hammers Firm understands the varying causes of paralysis in Smyrna and has helped many clients successfully take on bad actors like greedy pharmaceutical companies, careless medical providers, and negligent drivers. We have efficient processes in place to help streamline how long it takes for you to receive your settlement. Our experienced paralysis injury attorneys provide outstanding legal services and understand what a big difference it can mean for you to receive a financial award.

What Are the Common Causes of Paralysis?

There are many reasons people in Smyrna might experience paralysis. For example, they might have a nerve or brain disorder, like multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy. Or they might experience a stroke or heart attack, which results in brain damage that limits their ability to move their limbs.

But traumatic accidents can also cause paralysis. For example, a victim of a serious auto wreck might break their spine or suffer a severe brain injury that paralyzes their body. Likewise, a baby might experience a severe birth injury, like Erb’s palsy, if the doctors make mistakes during the delivery process.

When you can trace your injury to an error someone made (such as a drunk driver), you may be eligible to pursue legal damages in court. Our diligent attorneys can investigate your claim and determine if you have a valid case against someone else. Our lawyers can also write the necessary documents (like a complaint) and file them in court on your behalf.

What Are the Treatments for Paralysis, and How Long Does It Last?

The available treatments for paralysis in Smyrna depend on the underlying cause. Some paralyzing injuries may respond well to surgery or physical therapy, while others—like spinal cord damage—are usually inoperable. If you cannot move your appendages, such as your arms, but experience significant nerve pain, the doctor may prescribe medication to ease your discomfort.

Paralyzing injuries do not always result in permanent losses, although that is sometimes possible. If you are experiencing partial paralysis because of a compressed or pinched nerve, for example, you may regain function after surgery to relieve the compression.

Georgia Code § 51-1-6 empowers injured parties to file lawsuits against those who cause them harm. As part of your lawsuit, you can ask for compensation for medical expenses such as surgeries, pain medication, and occupational or physical therapy. Our seasoned injury lawyers have special training to bring these lawsuits to court.

A Smyrna Attorney Helps People Whose Paralysis Was Caused by Negligence

If you cannot move your leg, arm, neck, or other part of your body because of a paralyzing injury, you may be entitled to legal damages if someone else’s negligence caused your condition. Georgia’s law allows injured individuals to take charge of their situation by filing a lawsuit to get compensation for their troubles. If you are interested in bringing a legal claim but do not know where to start, it may be best to talk to a well-practiced legal professional.

Our firm has worked with clients who have experienced many causes of paralysis in Smyrna, from car accidents to medical malpractice and everything in between. We understand the struggles people in this position often go through and are here to help give them a voice. Contact our compassionate and trusted team of attorneys today to set up an initial consultation.