Blind Spot Truck Accidents in Sandy Springs

The sheer size of most commercial trucks means their drivers have blind spots. While properly adjusted mirrors can minimize those spots, there will still be areas where the operators cannot see. The risks increase in heavier traffic, where drivers cannot separate from other vehicles. When you are injured in a blind spot collision, you may wonder who is responsible. After all, smaller vehicle drivers may have some duty to stay out of a trucker’s blind spots. An 18-wheeler crash lawyer familiar with blind spot truck accidents in Sandy Springs could review the facts of your case and let you know your potential legal remedies.

Where Are a Truck’s Blind Spots?

Large commercial vehicles have four main blind spots. They are behind the truck, in front of it, and on the driver’s and passenger’s sides. For safety, drivers of other vehicles should avoid driving in those areas because the trucker may be unable to see them. It is common for trucks to have warning signs on them, informing other drivers where that vehicle’s blind spots are. Best driving practices would keep other vehicles out of those blind spots.

However, it is not always possible for vehicles to remain out of a truck’s blind spots. Trucks can pull alongside or behind cars, placing them in a blind spot. In addition, many people may not understand how vast these blind spots are. For example, the blind spot in the front of a truck is roughly the size of two passenger vehicles or around 20 feet. However, it can vary depending on the size of the passenger vehicle; the smaller and shorter the vehicle, the larger the blind spot. Following a blind spot wreck in Sandy Springs, an accident reconstruction specialist may need to evaluate the length of the blind spot based on the size of the other vehicles involved in the crash.

Contributory Negligence in Georgia

Georgia is a contributory negligence state. Under Georgia Code § 51-11-7, even if you contributed to an accident, you can still recover compensation unless you could have prevented it entirely. However, according to Georgia Code § 51-12-32, the court determines recovery amounts by looking at the percentage of the responsibility. Driving in a truck’s blind spot may be negligent under some circumstances. However, a Sandy Springs attorney can help evaluate whether that negligence will prevent recovery in a blind spot truck crash.

Damages in Blind Spot Accidents

Wrecks with commercial trucks can be devastating, leading to severe, long-term injuries or even death. The available monetary damages depend on the severity of those injuries. You may be able to recover for:

  • Disability
  • Lost wages
  • Medical bills
  • Disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss in earning capacity

Generally, auto accidents do not lead to punitive damages. However, they may be available if the truck driver’s behavior is outrageous. A Sandy Springs attorney with blind spot truck accident experience could look at the factual circumstances to assess whether the court would likely find the behavior outrageous. If so, they may recommend seeking punitive damages, as well.

Get Help from a Sandy Springs Attorney after a Blind Spot Truck Accident

When you are in an accident with a big rig or other commercial vehicle, the recovery process can be overwhelming. Accepting a low settlement offer can be tempting to have that part of the recovery process over. Before agreeing to any settlement, you should discuss your case with a lawyer at The Hammers Firm who has experience with blind spot truck accidents in Sandy Springs. They can advise you about contributory negligence, help you decide whether you have a viable claim, and even provide monetary ranges for similar claims. Call today to get started on your case.