Sandy Springs Paragard Injury Lawyer

The Paragard IUD is a birth control device used by many women throughout the nation. Unfortunately, some users have found that there are surprise side effects, including but not limited to migration or movement within the user’s body, which could cause severe injuries. If the Paragard device moves to other parts of the body, it could result in serious issues that might require surgery.

When a birth control device does not work as presented by the manufacturer or other company involved, a Hammers Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers might be able to help you recover compensation for your injuries. Contact a Sandy Springs Paragard injury lawyer at (770) 900-9000 to evaluate your case and help determine your legal options.

Common Injuries Resulting from a Paragard IUD

Common Injuries Resulting from a Paragard IUD

The use of a Paragard IUD could result in a few different types of injuries, both after insertion and when removed. Even when inserted correctly, there is potential for device migration if the IUD becomes dislodged. For instance, there could be damage to the tissue and organs in the surrounding area, which could become so severe that surgery becomes necessary to remove the IUD.

Additionally, even removal of the IUD performed by a highly skilled physician could result in severe hazards, such as a device breakage that scratches, tears, or perforates the surrounding tissue. When this type of incident occurs, it can be especially painful for the user at the time of the removal and a period thereafter.

In some cases, a complication could result in infertility or other severe injuries that require a complete or partial hysterectomy due to damage from the Paragard IUD. If you suffered significant harm due to one of these devices, a skilled Sandy Springs Paragard injury attorney could help secure the compensation that you are entitled to under state law.

Due to the hazards associated with Paragard IUDs, the manufacturer, Teva Pharmaceuticals, has had many claims filed against it for recovery of damages. The claims against the manufacturer of a product are commonly based on an allegation of a defective product. To be considered a defective product, you must show that it is unreasonably dangerous even when used in its intended manner.

Medical devices, such as the Paragard IUD, could be proven defective in a few different ways. For instance, the device could be defective in its design, manufacturing, or instructions and warnings. Additionally, defective product lawsuits could be advantageous to an injured person because of the doctrine of strict liability.

The strict liability standard could allow for the recovery of damages against a manufacturer, product designer, or other company involved in the process even if the company did not specifically take any negligent actions, according to the Official Code of Georgia Annotated § 51-1-11. A Paragard IUD injury lawyer in Sandy Springs could help investigate a case to determine the potential legal claims available.

Call a Sandy Springs Paragard Injury Attorney for Help Today

When you decide to use a Paragard IUD, you have the right to expect it to work as marketed by its manufacturer. If the device fails to work as advertised and causes significant injuries that could have life-altering effects on you and your family, you should seek the assistance of a legal professional. A knowledgeable Sandy Springs Paragard injury lawyer could help fight to protect your legal rights throughout the claim process. Contact us now at (678) 605-9838 and learn more about what your next steps should be.