Side-Impact/T-Bone Car Accidents in Sandy Springs

When a vehicle is T-Boned or struck from the side, the occupants can suffer devastating injuries. The side of a car offers the least amount of protection during a collision, leaving drivers and passengers more exposed. Side-impact/T-Bone car accidents in Sandy Springs are common at intersections and in parking lots. However, if a car is T-Boned at a high rate of speed, anyone in the vehicle can suffer life-threatening and even fatal injuries. 

When you or a loved one are involved in a side-impact or T-Bone collision, chances are you incurred significant medical expenses and other damages related to the accident. Our seasoned car accident attorneys at The Hammers Firm could help you recover these costs and more through a personal injury lawsuit. Drivers have a legal obligation to drive safely and act reasonably. When you are injured due to another driver’s careless or negligent conduct, they are legally responsible. To learn more about your legal rights, schedule a free and confidential consultation. 

Common Causes of Side-Impact Collisions

Although less common than other types of car accidents, side-impact car accidents still happen frequently in Georgia. Even when drivers take all the right precautions on the road, factors like drunk driving, distractions, and poor weather can lead to serious wrecks. Some common causes of side-impact or T-Bone car accidents in Sandy Springs include:

  • Drug or alcohol use
  • Speeding or other reckless driving
  • Poor weather conditions prevent the driver from stopping entirely
  • Driver distractions such as texting and driving, eating, and using GPS
  • When a driver runs a red light or stop sign or fails to stop at an intersection

No matter what caused the crash, a dedicated injury lawyer from our firm could assist you with filing a lawsuit to recover compensation for your injuries.

Recoverable Compensation After a T-Bone Car Accident

Although no amount of money can reverse the physical and emotional injuries you suffer after a serious wreck, a successful lawsuit could reduce the financial burden on you and your loved ones. When you are injured in a T-Bone crash, you could incur significant medical bills related to hospital care, surgery, emergency treatment, physical therapy, and more. Likewise, if your injury prevents you from working, you could lose a substantial portion of your income. There is no reason you should be left to cover these costs on your own when someone else is to blame. Talk to a knowledgeable attorney at The Hammers Firm about recoverable compensation after a side-impact collision in Sandy Springs. 

In some cases, the other driver’s insurance could be eager to settle with you to avoid a lawsuit. While this can alleviate the stress of litigation and help you receive compensation faster, insurance companies will often offer less than a person is entitled to for their injuries. To avoid this, it is always beneficial to consult an experienced legal professional before accepting a settlement offer. In some instances, it is in your advantage to take the case to court. 

Retain a Sandy Springs Side-Impact/T-Bone Car Accident Attorney

If you were T-Boned or involved in a side-impact crash, you have legal options. At The Hammers Firm we work with those injured in side-impact/T-Bone car accidents in Sandy Springs to gather evidence to support their claims and pursue comprehensive compensation on their behalf. In sideswipe crashes, the police report, medical records, and eyewitness testimony are crucial pieces of evidence that can support your claim. 

When you are injured in a serious car accident, the cost of your medical treatment or lost income should be the least of your concerns. When you hire The Hammers Firm to handle your case, you can focus on your recovery. Contact our office today to speak with a trusted attorney. We offer consultations, free of cost.