What rights do I have as an undocumented resident?

What rights do I have as an undocumented resident?

Driving while undocumented is a common occurrence in the United States. Unauthorized immigrants must still get to work, drive children to get medicine, or to go grocery shopping like other citizens.  “A broken headlight, a seatbelt not worn, a child not in a car seat may be minor traffic violations, but for unauthorized immigrants, they can have life-altering consequences.” In 12 states there are special driver’s licenses offered for unauthorized immigrants, but Georgia is not currently one of them. Supporters of these efforts say that public safety would improve because unauthorized immigrants would be required to pass a road test and know the rules of the road. In a report from Stanford University in 2015, 600,000 undocumented immigrants were given these special licenses and the hit-and-run accidents decreased by 4,000 from the year before.

If you have been injured in a car accident due to the negligence of another driver, and you’re an undocumented immigrant you still have the right to medical treatment. In today’s climate, with an increased risk of deportation, immigrants may not try to pursue a personal injury claim out of fear. If your case is settled directly with the insurance company for the responsible party, there is never a court case to which immigration officials would have access.

General Information on Personal Injury Claims

The questions we get most often from new clients is, “this has never happened to me before, what do I do?” For many, the legal system is too complicated and confusing to understand. With a legal advocate on your side, you will have a guide: explaining the injury claim process, handling communications with the insurance provider, and advising you on what level of compensation you deserve.

What can I be compensated for?

When you’re injured due to another driver’s negligence, compensation can be provided to accident victims covering:

  • Accident-related medical expenses
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Current and future lost wages
  • Long-term care expenses

You can assist your attorney by keeping track of your doctor appointments, days missed from work, and any out of pocket expenses.

Talk to a Doctor about a treatment plan

Depending on the nature of the accident, it may take a few days for your injuries to become apparent or they may be immediate. In either case, your health is our main priority, so if you’re in pain please consult with a physician. There are a few options for paying for medical expenses after an accident. If you don’t have health insurance, you can have treatment covered under the at-fault driver’s insurance policy. Or, if you need treatment before a claim is set-up, a medical funding company can pay for treatment.

The determining factor for a personal injury case is how badly are you injured? Your medical records provide very detailed evidence about the injuries you’ve sustained, the treatments you’re receiving, and the impact on your life. Hospital discharge forms, doctors’ notes, and physical therapy evaluations will chronical your injuries. By requesting these records, you bring together the cause (the accident) and the effect (the damages sustained) into a complete picture for the insurance company. While it may seem daunting to go see a physician and have the out-of-pocket expenses, in most cases, these expenses will be reimbursed at the end of the case.

Contact a Legal Team Who Will Fight for You

At Hammers Law Firm, our attorneys understand the concern that undocumented immigrants have with the legal system in today’s climate. We will work hard to put your fears to rest and seek justice on behalf of your or a loved one.