What is the Average Settlement for Whiplash in a Georgia Car Accident?

What is the Average Settlement for Whiplash in a Georgia Car Accident?

Getting in a Georgia car accident can cause a range of injuries. One of the most common injuries to occur is whiplash. Whiplash is caused by the impact of a car accident from behind or the side. Because there is soft tissue in the neck, you can easily develop whiplash after a car crash.

The impact of a car accident can cause your head to jerk back and forth in a reckless and painful motion. This causes whiplash. It is a painful injury that is difficult to prove in court. You need the help of an Atlanta car accident lawyer that will fight your injury claim.

With the help of an Atlanta car accident lawyer, you can win a car crash case with a whiplash injury. There is a settlement paid in these cases that can help you treat your injury without the worry of medical expenses. 

Whiplash is typically caused by a rear-end car accident. Because it is caused by a hit from behind, the driver behind is almost always at fault for causing the crash. This can help you with your Georgia car accident case and assist in proving negligence in the crash that caused your whiplash.

With a whiplash injury, you may not see the symptoms until much later. It may take a few days to develop a the injury. You should seek medical treatment if you suspect you have whiplash to prevent further damage to your neck. 

What is Whiplash Injury Worth in Atlanta, GA?

Even though a whiplash injury is difficult to receive a settlement for, many people do get compensation for this injury. In some instances, the court will award $10,000 to $20,000 for your Atlanta, GA whiplash case. This can help to cover the costs of medical bills, lost wages, and provide for pain and suffering.

Some cases of whiplash can yield up to six or seven figure settlements, depending on the severity of the injury. These cases typically have brain injuries associated with them. Your Atlanta car accident lawyer can help you determine the settlement award of your case.

While it is possible to receive a settlement for a whiplash injury in Atlanta, GA, there are several factors that need consideration. The rate of speed of your car accident is a large factor in your settlement amount. High rates of speed in a Georgia car accident can cause more severe injuries and result in  larger settlement awards.

The extent of your injury also plays a factor in your car accident case as well as the damage to your vehicle. The evaluation of past injuries of whiplash also determine a settlement award in a Georgia car accident. It is always best to speak to an Atlanta car accident lawyer about your case.

What Should I Do If I Think I Have Whiplash?

You may be uncertain that you have whiplash after a Georgia car accident. You need to seek medical treatment to get a diagnosis. If determined that you do have a whiplash injury, you need to get as much information about your injury as possible. 

You will need to request a copy of your medical records as well as any prescription information. This information along with a police report and witness testimony can help your Atlanta, GA whiplash case. Speak to your Atlanta car accident lawyer about your injury. They can provide you information about the laws for Georgia car accident and help fight your case against a negligent driver.

Whiplash is a serious injury that needs medical care. You do not have to take on the expense of this medical treatment when a negligent driver caused your Georgia car accident. Let your Atlanta car accident lawyer help you get the settlement you deserve for your injury.

Your Atlanta car accident lawyer can help guide you through the legal process of securing compensation for a whiplash injury. They will help you negotiate your settlement with an insurance company so you can pay your medical bills. You will receive compensation for your lost wages and pain and suffering. Let an Atlanta car accident lawyer help you with your whiplash case. 

Contact an Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer Now

If you suffer from whiplash after a car accident, you need the help of a Georgia car accident lawyer you can trust. The Atlanta car accident lawyers at Hammers Law Firm can help. They can help prove a whiplash injury. They will fight against an insurance company to get you compensation. Let the Atlanta car accident attorneys at Hammers Law Firm help you with your whiplash case. Contact us today to set up a consultation.