What If I’m Injured in an Atlanta Auto Accident by an Uninsured Driver?

What If I’m Injured in an Atlanta Auto Accident by an Uninsured Driver?

Being involved in an accident is something that no one wishes. However, things happen sometimes, and they can end in a crash – minor or severe. One thing that consoles most people who have been hit by another driver is that they can seek compensation. That is because of the assumption that everyone driving has adequate insurance cover.

That assumption is correct for most cases but there are times when the at-fault driver doesn’t have insurance. As a result, it would be impossible for you to approach their insurance provider seeking compensation. If this is the case, then you may become stressed since you worry about paying for your medical expenses. There is also the damage to your vehicle that you have to consider.

If you find yourself in this situation, you need the best lawyer to guide you on your options. There is still hope even though the driver at fault is uninsured. There is still a chance to get compensated. Contact an excellent attorney as soon as possible so you can find a way out of the situation.

What Are the Auto Insurance Laws in Atlanta?

Every state requires drivers passing through to have a minimum amount of insurance coverage. It doesn’t matter whether one is only temporarily in the state. They need to have the minimum insurance cover. In Atlanta, the law requires that all drivers have a minimum of $100,000 protection. The policy is divided as follows:

  • $25,000 insurance cover for the injury or death of one person.
  • $25,000 cover for any property damage after an accident.
  • $50,000 for total injury or death of more than one person after a crash.

Since this is the law, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle without the above auto insurance cover. Without it, drivers can be arrested and charged. It becomes worse if they cause an accident. If an uninsured driver causes your Atlanta, GA car wreck, you need a great lawyer to help you. They will assist in filing a lawsuit if you want to take them to court. An experienced lawyer will also direct you on how to get compensation for your losses.

What Happens If You Are Injured in an Accident by an Uninsured Driver?

All motorists in Atlanta are required by law to carry motorist insurance. However, not all of them do. If you get into an accident with these drivers, you may be on the losing end. It is unlikely that you will get anything from them if you sue for damages. That is because they likely won’t be in a position to pay you.

To protect yourself from such a situation, you are advised to get uninsured coverage. It is usually an option when you are purchasing your motorist insurance policy. Insurance providers are required to give you this option although it is not mandatory that you get it.

It is a coverage option that doesn’t increase your premiums. However, it allows your insurance provider to pay you benefits if you’re in a crash with an uninsured motorist. If you agreed, when you get injuries from an accident with an uninsured driver, you don’t have to worry. All you have to do is have your Atlanta, GA attorney file a claim to request compensation.

How Can Atlanta Car Accident Lawyers Help If I Don’t Have Uninsured Cover?

In case you didn’t agree to get uninsured coverage when buying your policy, you may have some trouble getting compensation. However, with a great attorney to help you, you can work with your insurance company to pay you still. The downside to this is that your premiums may become higher after that.

You also have the option to sue the uninsured driver, but it is unlikely that you will benefit much from this. It is usually just a way of seeking justice for what happened to you.

Why Should You Hire an Auto Accident Attorney in Atlanta to Help you?

When dealing with injuries after a wreck with an uninsured motorist, things are a bit complicated. You may not know what steps to take or how to get compensation, but an Atlanta, GA car accident lawyer does. He will help you understand the situation and the options that you have. Contact Hammers Law Firm’ Atlanta, GA attorneys for a comprehensive look at your case. We have an experienced team that will help you make the best decisions and ensure that you get compensation.