How are Pain and Suffering Determined in a Car Accident?

How are Pain and Suffering Determined in a Car Accident?

Determining what your settlement amount is in a car accident is challenging. There are a number of different factors to take into consideration, especially when it comes to pain and suffering in Atlanta, GA.

Pain and Suffering Damages

Pain and suffering damages look at both the physical pain you are suffering from as well as any mental anguish you had from the events of the accident. While some injuries make it obvious that you are in severe physical pain, others do not.

Proving pain and suffering in Atlanta, GA, is difficult. It is hard to place a value on this hardship and prove to the court how much you are suffering. Some injuries allow for a predetermined recovery time that is simple to calculate your pain and suffering duration.

Other injuries are not as easily definable. Long-term injuries are hard to understand how long the recovery period is after a car accident. Other injuries that are extensive may prove that there is significant pain while other injuries it may not be as visible that you are suffering.

In addition, every person feels pain differently. Some individuals have a high threshold for pain while others feel intense pain easily. This is a difficult situation to assess when it comes to pain and suffering in Atlanta, GA.

An insurance company may not have a lot of sympathy towards your case. If you do not seek medical treatment after a car accident, an insurance company is quick to write off pain and suffering damages.

An insurance company may think because you did not visit a doctor for your injury, you are not in a lot of pain. Getting medical treatment can help prove the extent and severity of your injury after a car accident. This can help you receive pain and suffering damages in Atlanta, GA.

Pain and suffering damages are unique to each car accident case. It is very difficult to come to an exact amount for these damages. Your car accident attorney in Atlanta can help determine the settlement amount you may receive for your pain. They can help you calculate the compensation you deserve and fight your case against an insurance company. 

Working with a Car Accident Lawyer in Atlanta

Because pain and suffering damages are a gray area in most cases, you need a car accident attorney in Atlanta to help you with your case. They will fight against a negligent driver to get pain and suffering in Atlanta, GA.

Your car accident lawyer in Atlanta knows what your case is worth. They will fight for fair compensation for your injuries. They can prove that you are suffering both physically and mentally. You deserve pain and suffering as part of your settlement after a car accident. 

Let your car accident attorney in Atlanta fight for you. They know how to negotiate pain and suffering settlements with an insurance company. They will use your medical documentation to get you fair compensation and represent you in court.

Your car accident attorney in Atlanta may ask for documentation about your car accident. Medical records and photos of your injury can help prove the pain and suffering you are enduring. They will work as evidence in court and can help you win compensation for pain and suffering with your case.  

Having a car accident lawyer in Atlanta on your side can help you win compensation for pain and suffering in Atlanta, GA. They know the laws for car accidents and how settlements are determined by insurance companies and in court. 

A car accident attorney in Atlanta can negotiate with an insurance company on your behalf. If a settlement is unreachable, your car accident attorney in Atlanta may advise you to take your case to court. Here, they will use the evidence you presented to get you a settlement. 

Do not hesitate to speak to your car accident lawyer in Atlanta about your injury case. They can determine if you qualify for pain and suffering from your injuries. 

Contact a Car Accident Attorney in Atlanta

When involved in a car accident where an injury occurs, you need a car accident lawyer in Atlanta that can help you with your case. The lawyers at Hammers Law Firm can assist you with your injury case and get you the compensation you deserve. They will fight for pain and suffering as part of your settlement. Let the car accident attorneys at Hammers Law Firm work for you. Contact us now to set up a consultation.