How Long Does It Take To Get a Personal Injury Settlement Check in Atlanta, GA

The timeline for receiving a personal injury settlement check in Atlanta depends on the facts and circumstances of your case. A check could arrive in a few weeks or a few months. Sometimes, a personal injury settlement check may not arrive for a year or longer. According to Atlanta personal injury lawyers, here are some […]

How Long Do I Have To File a Car Accident Claim in Georgia?

If you seek to file a car accident claim in Georgia, be aware that you don’t have unlimited time to file a lawsuit. Georgia has an interest in seeing to it that people file their claims within a reasonable time. Consequently, the legislature has enacted a statute of limitations, with numerous exceptions that cover certain […]

Basic Personal Injury Settlement Breakdown: How Much Goes in My Pocket?

If you are involved in a personal injury case, understanding the financial implications of a settlement may be crucial since most claims are settled out of court. Settlements are meant to compensate you for various damages, but different factors influence the final amount that goes into your pocket. An Atlanta personal injury attorney can help […]

Worst Traffic Times in Atlanta, GA

After some years of decline, The City in a Forest — Atlanta, Georgia — has reclaimed its status as a home to more than half a million citizens. Its neighborhoods are filled with great local restaurants, and the real estate market is booming. Traffic, however, leaves quite a bit to desire. After all, congested roads […]

FAQs: Car Accident Reports in Georgia

For the last several years, Fulton County (and Atlanta, by connection) has led the state of Georgia in traffic crash fatalities. Despite your best efforts to drive safely, you might find yourself on the receiving end of one of these incidents, suffering severe, life-altering injuries.  Of course, in the moments following a car accident, you’ll […]

What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do? 

An Atlanta car accident lawyer becomes your ally in the chaos after a car crash. A lawyer’s main job is to advocate for your rights and obtain compensation for your losses. If you have been involved in a car accident, an Atlanta car accident lawyer can help you build your case. Car accident attorneys seek […]

Ethylene Oxide: What You Should Know

Recently, Andy Miller with Georgia Health News and Brenda Goodman with WebMD published an article discussing ethylene oxide (EtO) and its illegal release from certain chemical plants in the state. The two plants in question are the BD Bard plant located in Covington and the Sterigenics plant in Smyrna. If you live in either of […]

Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Minor Car Accident?

If you’ve been involved in a minor car accident, you might wonder whether you need to hire an Atlanta car accident attorney. While not every case requires legal representation, it’s almost always at least worth your time to contact a lawyer for a free consultation and learn about your options. To clarify matters, however, let’s […]

Ley De Manos Libres Para Prevenir Accidentes De Auto En Georgia

La CDC estima que nueve personas mueren todos los días como resultado de accidentes que envuelven conductores distraídos. Manejar distraído es muy común. Mientras muchas personas piensan que manejar distraído incluye solamente el uso del celular, la realidad es que el manejo distraído incluye cualquier cosa que te haga quitar la vista del camino. Un reporte de […]

¿Cómo Tratara El IRS Su Indemnización Por Lesiones Personales?

Ya has llegado al final de tu demanda por lesiones personales. Ya sea que llegaste a un acuerdo o te fuiste a juicio, y has recibido una compensación monetaria significante. Después del estrés de tu demanda, estás listo para terminar y seguir adelante con tu vida. ¿Pero qué pasa con el IRS? Con la temporada […]