Atlanta Paragard Lawyer

Pending Paragard lawsuits allege that the birth control device has caused severe injuries and damages. If you suffered adverse effects after using a Paragard IUD, you might be entitled to compensation for your losses.

At Hammers Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers, our Atlanta mass torts lawyers have five decades of combined experience handling defective medical device cases. We’ve acquired tens of millions of dollars for our clients and provide unparalleled legal services. 

Contact our law firm to schedule a free consultation with one of our Paragard lawyers in Atlanta, Georgia or call at 770-900-9000.

How Our Atlanta Product Liability Lawyers Can Help You With a Paragard Copper IUD Claim

How Our Atlanta Product Liability Lawyers Can Help You With a Paragard Copper IUD Claim

The Paragard IUD (intrauterine device) is a medical device used for birth control. A healthcare provider inserts the IUD into the uterus. Paragard can be used for up to ten years as an alternative to hormone-based birth control methods. A copper wire wrapped around the IUD prevents contraception by causing an inflammatory reaction.

Many women claim they have been injured and suffered adverse side effects from using the Paragard IUD. If you sustained harm after using Paragard, we can help.

When you hire our top-rated product liability lawyers in Atlanta, GA, you can expect us to:

  • Explain your legal options and the laws that apply to Paragard IUD lawsuits
  • Investigate your claim and gather evidence, including working with leading expert witnesses in this field
  • Document your damages to assess how much your case is worth
  • Monitor the deadlines for filing Paragard IUD claims and lawsuits
  • File a lawsuit and aggressively pursue a settlement or jury verdict to compensate you for your damages

Leading nationwide legal organizations recognize our award-winning lawyers at Hammers Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers. We have received recognition from Georgia Super Lawyers and The National Trial Lawyers Top 100. We’ve recovered millions for our clients, earning our membership in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

Contact our Atlanta product liability attorneys today for a free case review.

Are There Known Side Effects of Using the Paragard Copper IUD?

Are There Known Side Effects of Using the Paragard Copper IUD?

Teva Pharmaceuticals/Copper, Inc., the manufacturer of the Paragard IUD, discusses common side effects associated with the medical device. 

According to the manufacturer, side effects of using Paragard include:

  • Backache
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Vaginal irritation
  • Painful periods
  • Anemia
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Cramping and/or pain

However, the company also warns consumers that there are potentially severe side effects from using the Paragard IUD, some of which could be life-threatening. They could also require surgery to treat the condition. Complications from these conditions could cause infertility.

Potential serious conditions that could result from using a Paragard IUD include:

  • The IUD partially or entirely exits the uterus (expulsion)
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Changes in menstrual bleeding
  • Life-threatening infections
  • Embedment in the uterine wall
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • Perforation of the uterine wall
  • Endometriosis
  • Slowed heart rate, dizziness, seizures, and other reactions after removal of the IUD

See a doctor immediately if you experience any side effects after using the Paragard Copper IUD. Side effects may not appear serious at first, but they could worsen. Likewise, you might not experience side effects until months or years after the IUD is inserted.

Proving Liability in a Paragard Lawsuit

Most product liability claims are based on strict liability. Therefore, you do not need to prove that the manufacturer was negligent. However, you do need to establish the elements of a product liability claim.

Therefore, to win a Paragard lawsuit, you would need to prove:

  • The Paragard Copper IUD has a design or marketing flaw;
  • The manufacturer did not provide adequate warnings of the potential danger and harm that could be caused by using the IUD;
  • The product defect was the cause of your injuries; and,
  • You incurred damages and sustained harm because of the product defect.

The current Paragard lawsuits allege a variety of defects that could cause injuries. Some lawsuits allege that the Paragard IUD causes copper toxicity from the wire used on the IUD to prevent pregnancy. Other lawsuits allege that a defect causes the plastic arms on the device to break off when the device is removed.

What Damages Are Available in a Paragard IUD Lawsuit in Atlanta, Georgia?

Product liability claims can result in compensation for economic and non-economic damages. 

The damages depend on the facts and circumstances of your case but could include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Disfigurement and scarring
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Past and future lost wages
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Permanent disability and impairment
  • Emotional distress and mental anguish
  • Reduction in earning capacity

Our Atlanta personal injury attorneys will work with you and your doctors to document the extent of your injuries and damages. We’ll work with expert witnesses to gather additional evidence to strengthen your claim as we fight to obtain compensation for all injuries.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Atlanta Paragard Attorneys

The Paragard Copper IUD has not been recalled at this time. However, that does not prevent you from pursuing a product liability lawsuit for a defective medical device. Call Hammers Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers to discuss your situation with an Atlanta mass torts attorney. Your initial consultation is free.