Atlanta Defective Medical Device Lawyer

Were you recently injured due to a defective medical device in Atlanta, GA? You may be entitled to recover for your harm. Contact the Atlanta defective medical device lawyers at Hammers Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers to help you hold the negligent parties accountable. We offer free consultations, and you pay nothing unless we win, so don’t hesitate to contact our law offices at (770) 900-9000. Our product liability attorneys will discuss your case with you and suggest possible legal options.

How Hammers Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help If You’ve Been Injured Due to a Defective Medical Device

How Hammers Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help If You’ve Been Injured Due to a Defective Medical Device

At our Atlanta personal injury law firm, we know how frustrating it can be when you end up as an injured patient because of something that was preventable. When you receive medical treatment, you should be able to trust that all medical equipment is in excellent working order. When that isn’t the case, it can result in catastrophic injuries and possibly even wrongful death.

Our Atlanta personal injury attorneys have represented countless injured clients who have gone through similar situations, and we worked hard to help them get a positive outcome in their cases. We will work just as hard for you.  

Here are just a few of the many things we do for our clients: 

  • Investigate the incident and review all documents and evidence
  • Speak with doctors, other healthcare workers, and hospital staff regarding their involvement in your case
  • Consult with relevant experts, including medical device designers and manufacturers
  • Handle all discussions with hospitals and insurance companies
  • Represent you in court if the insurance company won’t settle or its offer is inadequate

With a combined 50 years of practice, the lawyers at Hammers Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers are experienced and accomplished in personal injury law, including medical product liability. You can trust us to put all that knowledge and skill to use in helping you pursue benefits.

What Is a Medical Device?

Medical devices range from simple tongue depressors to complex pacemakers. Essentially, any instrument, machine, implant, or apparatus that supplements and enables medical treatment may qualify as a device. 

Some examples include:

  • Ultrasound machines
  • Hospital beds
  • MRI machines
  • Ventilators
  • X-ray machines
  • Infusion pumps
  • Pacemakers
  • IVC filter (inferior vena cava)
  • Surgical mesh
  • Catheters
  • Intravenous lines
  • Breast and hip implants

Items consumers use at home also qualify as medical devices:

  • Contact lenses
  • Breast pumps
  • Needles
  • Syringes 
  • Cosmetic fillers

Medical devices in the United States are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which requires that medical devices be safe and tested prior to marketing. Unfortunately, that doesn’t guarantee that a device won’t malfunction. When malfunctions happen, people get hurt and should be compensated for their injuries.

Types of Defects That Could Affect Your Medical Device

Most defects in medical devices are categorized as one of the following:

  • Design defect: In a competitive environment, medical device manufacturers sometimes rush a design in the hopes of getting it to market quickly. In addition, the FDA allows some devices to be approved on a fast track if they’re similar enough to already-approved models. This can result in missed defects.
  • Manufacturing defect: The FDA requires adequate testing before manufacturers put out their product, but there are tricks of the trade to get by rigorous testing in order to get the product out as soon as possible.
  • Marketing defect: Manufacturers have a duty to label and inform medical professionals regarding potential risks. They’re also required to update as needed, even after FDA approval. 

Unfortunately, in their zeal to sell to doctors and hospitals, manufacturers sometimes over-promote and over-sell without adequately highlighting possible risks.

What Are Some Common Defective Medical Devices?

While any medical device could theoretically malfunction, there are some medical devices that are more prone to malfunction than others. Some of the most common include:

  • Implants that are inserted into the body, such as hip, breast, or knee implants
  • Prosthetic knees
  • Heart valves
  • Ventilators
  • Pacemakers that fail to control abnormal heart rhythms
  • Unsterilized gynecological devices that can cause infections

If you’ve been injured because of a defective or dangerous medical device, call Hammers Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers Firm. Our personal injury attorneys in Atlanta, Georgia, will help you understand your rights and determine what legal options might be available to you at this time.

What Injuries Can Defective Medical Devices Cause?

Some of the more common injuries that can result from a defective medical device include:

  • Infections 
  • Defective machines and IV lines could administer incorrect dosages of medications
  • Some implants can cause serious damage to the nervous system
  • Prosthetics could injure the victim due to cracks or other malfunctions

This is by no means an exhaustive list of all possible injuries that could be sustained as a result of these devices, but they are things to look out for if you believe you were injured as a result of a defective device.

How Will Georgia Law Affect My Right to File a Lawsuit and Recover Compensation For Injuries Caused By a Defective Medical Device?

In the state of Georgia, there is a limit on how long you have to file a lawsuit. This limit—called the statute of limitations—gives you two years from the date of your injury to file a personal injury lawsuit.

The law in Georgia also doesn’t allow you to seek compensation if you were 50% or more to blame for your injury. Our lawyers can help show that you are entitled to compensation for medical bills, in-home care, mental anguish, and pain and suffering.

Call Hammers Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers Firm If You Were Injured in Atlanta Due to a Defective Medical Device

If you were injured because of a defective medical device, you shouldn’t have to bear the financial and emotional burden on your own. Those responsible for the defective product should have to pay for the harm you suffered. Don’t waste time in contacting the Atlanta defective medical device lawyers at Hammers Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers. Your first consultation is absolutely free.